Loch Ness Project Adrian Shine

Loch Ness Project

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Archive Room
Loch Ness
Loch Ness
Adrian Shine
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archive room
Authors Index A-Z

List view of publications or
study where the author is known.

Links are provided where possible.

Student dissertations are included,
though links are currently to
abstracts only.

Copies are generally held by
the :Loch Ness Project.
The Timeline

Mainly investigations of the
Loch Ness Monster controversy
and chronological history with
source references and links
where possible.

It's designed to show the evolution
of method and thought, departures
are made from the historical
chronology where it seems

The archive is restricted to expeditions or other studies where authoritative reports or published papers have been produced. Thus, newspaper material is only used where it is authored by the investigators themselves and in one case where a newspaper reporter was himself a principal investigator. Sometimes it has not been possible, for copyright or other reasons, to include an important item. Books, for example, or some journal publications have simply been referenced. For the same reason most items are reproduced in a PDF secure (read only) form. Where possible the material retains its original appearance but some is rearranged for screen viewing. If necessary, documents have been digitally retouched for legibility. The kind assistance given by the copyright holders is gratefully acknowledged.

Editorial bias: The inclusion of items mostly reflects whether material is considered "diligent" and it is hoped that no injustice has been done. The remaining scope for bias lies within those passages which attempt to link the pages of the archive and to demonstrate interaction or debate within them. These passages may reflect the author's personal opinions.

The Archive Room

"That which is strange is delightful, and a pleasing error is not willingly detected"

"Natural Philosophy is now one of the favourite studies of the Scottish nation and

Lough Ness well deserves to be diligently examined" 

Dr. Samuel Johnson 1775

These comments were written after a single ride along the shores of  Loch Ness in August 1773, yet together,  they  define the underlying dilemma of mystery in human society. All of us are drawn to mysteries, yet those most drawn, are those most likely to study them, understand them and ultimately perhaps, to explain them.

Dr. Johnson was not writing about Loch Ness Monsters; there is no evidence that he ever heard of them. He was actually showing scepticism about the loch's reputation for never freezing; just one of many mysteries addressed by those who were to answer his challenge. 

This archive, drawn from a century of remarkably "diligent" examination, aims to  draw together what has been placed on record by a  diverse range of researchers.

Loch Ness is of considerable intrinsic scientific interest as Britain's greatest volume of freshwater.  However, it is famous on account of the popular "monster" controversy.

It is the interplay between these two factors which has made the study of Loch Ness  unique. The editor does not differentiate between material that is scientific in  general and material that may be controversial in  particular. Those who have tilted at dragons have often been at pains to understand the environment they worked in, while general scientific discoveries have  shone unexpected light into the controversy.

Adrian Shine

Copyright this page :ADRIAN SHINE& MARALYN SHINE

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Loch Ness Archive of Authors, scientific papers and investigation

©A and M SHINE